(DRY) Don't Repeat Yourself

The DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle is a software development principle that states that every piece of knowledge should have a single, unambiguous representation within a system. In other words, it aims to minimize duplication of information in a codebase by making sure that the same information is represented only once. This leads to more maintainable and scalable code, as any change only needs to be made in one place, reducing the risk of bugs and inconsistencies.

The DRY principle is often applied in many different ways in a codebase, including:

Avoiding duplication of code by refactoring similar code into reusable functions or modules.
Creating abstraction layers to separate different concerns in the code, making it easier to maintain and change.
Using variables or constants to store information that is used in multiple places, rather than hardcoding it.
By following the DRY principle, developers can write more concise and maintainable code, reduce the risk of bugs, and make it easier to change and extend their codebase over time.

  • The Official DRY Website: https://dry.works

  • The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas: This book provides a comprehensive overview of software development best practices, including a section on the DRY principle.

  • DRY Code on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don't_repeat_yourself

  • Martin Fowler's Blog: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/Don'tRepeatYourself.html

  • Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com - Stack Overflow is a Q&A site for software developers and you can find many questions and answers related to the DRY principle and how it can be applied in specific programming languages and frameworks.